Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

TREK by Rand BishopTREK by Rand Bishop

Publisher:  Weightless Cargo Press (August 20, 2019)
Category: Memoir, Travel, Politics, Culture
Tour dates: Oct-Nov, 2019
ISBN: 978-1-7330299-0-2
Available in Print and ebook, 384 pages
Trek by Rand Bishop

Description TREK by Rand Bishop

2017, America was turning mean. Heartsick, Rand Bishop couldn’t sit idly by. His action plan, however, had friends and family questioning his sanity. At 67, on bad knees and arthritic feet, with minimal camping experience and zero knowledge of long distance hiking, Rand set out to walk 900-miles, from Southern California to the Central Oregon Coast.

How an aging pilgrim managed to survive a 90-day test of will and endurance is only a fraction of this inspiring tale. The newfound hope Rand gained by listening to and interacting with a thousand people from nearly every walk of life is the true heartbeat of the TREK story.

 Advance Praise TREK by Rand Bishop

“I love this book. I laughed, I cried, I walked down memory lane. I drove a big truck for 12 years, many by myself. I know those roads and my feet hurt just reading about this journey. Thank you, Rand, for sharing your story.”-Nancy B. Thompson, Amazon

“The author’s musings on this once in a lifetime adventure make the reader feel as if she is on the trail alongside, experiencing all the emotional highs and lows without getting blisters on her feet. I loved every word; every page; every chapter! TREK is a delightful a book ~ I didn’t want it to end!”-Robyn Taylor-Drake, Amazon

“I loved turning to TREK when I couldn’t take the news any longer. It was like I was able to follow along in my worn down tennies — go at the pilgrim’s pace, meet the people he was meeting, see what he was looking at, while feeling the swoosh of trucks zooming by way too close and way too fast. More than a trek, this is a journey of discovery!”-Randall Platt, Amazon

Writing Awards Rand Bishop

First Place Nashville Screenwriting Conference for the original screenplay Tin Roof.

Three Star Award The Tennessean.

Interview With Rand Bishop


TR: Please tell us something about the book that is not in the summary.  (About the book, person you particularly enjoyed writing etc.)

RB: At first, I was reluctant to write a book about my pilgrimage because it seemed like the obvious thing to do, kind of a cliché. You know, a writer has an unusual or remarkable personal experience, it’s pretty much expected that he or she will write the obligatory memoir. However, writing is my default. I will sit down and write before I’ll do anything else… doing dishes, making an important phone call, or even depositing a check at the bank usually wait until I’ve exhausted my compulsion to express myself on the page.

Playing with language is my comfort zone. Writing offers me something I can control. No one else has my exact skill set, shares my exact perspective, or has had my exact experience. So, it’s up to me to tell my story and make my observations in the most vivid, interesting and crafty way. That’s a challenge I accept and actually really enjoy. I guess it comes from decades of crafting songs, constantly laboring with language to put story, characters, time, place into a tidy, clear, succinct package that hopefully has an emotional effect.

Instead of a book, I thought about writing a screenplay, or a stage play. But, once I started working with my journals, looking back over my pilgrimage experience, a memoir felt like the right next step (pun intentional). After all, the tools were right there… the computer, the software, pages and pages of journal, the time to write, as well as my innate compulsion to sit down and do it, and keep re-writing until I felt it was ready for the editor, then re-writing some more. And, although I wish I’d been able to condense TREK into a shorter volume — if only to make the font a size bigger — I’m pretty proud of it as it is.      

TR: From reading your bio, I can see you have lived an amazing and full life so far.  Can you tell us more about some of the things you have done that influenced your idea to walk despite your physical limitations?

RB: I’ve been an activist, committed to peace, justice, and equality for more than a half century. In 1968, I marched in the first anti-Vietnam War moratorium in Washington, DC. That same spring, I got tear gassed at a demonstration on the campus of Oberlin College. In L.A., during the Reagan administration, I got very involved in the Beyond War movement, studying non-violence. In Nashville, I stood shivering in the rain with a handful of protestors against the U.S. invasion of Iraq. During that time, I had a number of letters to the editor published. A neighbor — he was an ex-Marine — accused me of sedition, and said he wished he “could put a bullet between my traitorous eyes.”

Now, I’m three times a grandfather. I’m not only deeply concerned about the kind of world my grandkids will inherit. I’m worried about the role models they are exposed to. I hope it doesn’t seem quaint and old fashioned to care about such traditional values as character, honesty, integrity, and the willingness to sacrifice for the common good. When public figures are out there completely disregarding the truth, exhibiting disrespect, acting only in their own self-interest purely out of ego, while being so richly rewarded, I worry what kind of message that sends to our kids.

I still show up at protest rallies. Sometimes I’m asked to sing and play. Gathering in solidarity with people of like mind is a feel-good thing. Sure, demonstrations can be effective in drawing attention to critical issues and sometimes even help to accelerate positive change. But, protests and marches are us-against-them events. They’re about blaming someone else, focusing on what we don’t want, what we can’t live with. It’s easy to link arms with folks you agree with. It’s not nearly so easy to listen to someone who sees things differently, to empathize with their perspective, and keep the dialogue civil and constructive. Doing that requires patience, restraint, and practice. So, I think it’s equally important to engage in one-on-one conversations over the backyard fence, at the post office, searching for what I like to call “square inches of common ground.”

I guess that’s why I felt such resonance with Peace Pilgrim, because she distilled it all down to such a simple concept. She said a pilgrimage is an opportunity to meet people. So, that’s what I set out to do.        

TR: Besides ‘writing ‘Trek’, did you also write songs during or about your walk? (if you want to share one, send me the link).

Activities that rely more on muscle memory (driving, gardening, ironing, etc.) tend to allow the subconscious creative mind to break through. I do a lot of my lyric writing while walking on the beach here on the Central Oregon Coast. So, as I pushed the Pilgrimmobile through California and Oregon, I was surprised that I didn’t have dozens of songs springing into my head. Only a couple of rudimentary ideas came to me along the way, and those songs remained incomplete until months after I got home. Two of those, “Old Man Tryin’ To Matter” and “American Gumbo,” became the opening and closing songs to TREK on Stage, my companion performance piece to the book.

After I returned, while I was writing the book, I felt inspired to compose a suite of original songs reflecting on my trek experience. Those became the musical interludes in my stage show. And most of those lyrics were written during daily beach walks with Millie the beagle. My YouTube promo video for TREK on Stage features short snippets of several of those songs:


One song I wrote and recorded while making preparations for my trek became a theme song of sorts for my pilgrimage, “Answering the Call.” Here’s the soundcloud link to the produced recording: https://soundcloud.com/rand-bishop/answering-the-call

There’s also a live, solo acoustic version of “Answering the Call” on YouTube, more like the way I played it for folks on my trek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJpG8W0jbOo

I tell a story in the book about playing a song called “Healin’ Time” for a homeless man in a wheel chair on the sidewalk in North Bend, Oregon. I remark that, over the course of 50 years and thousands of performances, I never had a more rapt, attentive, emotionally involved audience than this man. I played that same song for intimate gatherings in living rooms and campgrounds, too. Here’s the soundcloud link to the produced recording of “Healin’ Time.”  https://soundcloud.com/rand-bishop/healin-time

TR: How long did it take you to complete the walk and then ‘Trek’?

I started preparing for my pilgrimage in December of 2016, a month after the election. I took my first steps on May 1, 2017, in Thousand Oaks, CA on the L.A.-Ventura County line and finished on July 28 in Lincoln City, Oregon. The reason I limited my walk to 90 days was because of my annual commitment to Peace Village here on the Central Oregon Coast, conducting overnight rites of passage for the 12 and 13-year-old boys at the flagship Lincoln City camp and leading music and teaching media literacy at Peace Village Newport.

Of course, I didn’t walk every one of those 90 days. I took time to rest and heal, to visit friends, do laundry, buy supplies, take the dog to the vet. At one point I had to take to bed myself for three days to recover from a severe attack of gastritis. Some days I walked as far as 18 miles. Other days I covered six to eight. A 12-mile day was pretty average.

The book took more than a year to write, working pretty much every morning for four to six hours, seven days a week. My first draft was double the recommended length for a commercial memoir. So, the re-writing process was not just about refining the language, it was also about deciding what parts of the story absolutely needed to be told, and what could be sacrificed. Being a songwriter, I felt like I’d written a seven-minute song that somehow had to be shortened to three and a half minutes. Those choices were tough, and required several more drafts to hone the manuscript down to a digestible length. Then, the book went through two edits. I was extremely unhappy with the first editor’s work, so I had to go back through the entire manuscript again to repair what she’d done. The second edit drew attention to some other issues, which took some more time to cure. By then, the entire process had taken about a year and a half.

TR: Where did you get the inspiration for your cover?

RB: I took a lot of iPhone photos and videos along the way. The photo that we used for the cover background was taken on a stretch of winding two-lane highway that passed under a canopy of madrone trees. The image always seemed kind of magical to me. It captured the isolation I felt so often while also showing an archway leading to the next adventure, the yet to be known.

The image of the pilgrim pushing his cart and leading his beagle came from a photo my best friend from high school shot in Castroville, California. My designer turned it into a black silhouette, sort of like something my grandmother might have glued to a doily back in the day. I wanted an iconic, recognizable visual image that could be used in lots of ways. And, I think that image works well.   

Then, one day, I was driving along a strip of two-lane highway and noticed a yellow, diamond-shaped road sign with a black-and-white hook-and-ladder truck, you know, indicating there was a fire house ahead. That’s when I got the idea to use the pilgrim/cart/beagle silhouette on a road sign. And, honestly, there were many times I wished drivers would have had some warning before they came upon this old grey-bearded pilgrim pushing his cart through the shadows on the edge of a shoulder-less highway.   

TR: What are you currently working on?

RB: I moved from Nashville back to my home state in 2012 to be of assistance to my parents, who were 85 and 86 at the time. So, I’ve been advocate, chief cook, and caretaker for them for seven years. Dad has had a half dozen surgeries since then. Mom had a stroke and is now officially diagnosed with dementia. At 92 and 93, they’ve become increasingly dependent. Some weeks, I spent three days at the ER and/or taking one or the other of them to doctor’s appointments. On September first, I moved them to a really nice assisted living facility. So far, they seem very happy there. Now that I’m not obligated to cook dinners, buy groceries for them, pick up prescriptions, etc. my time will be more flexible.

Admittedly, I spend far too much time administrating my Facebook Group, Give Civility a Chance. I created the group as a safe place to discuss issues without fear of getting trolled. It’s kind of an experiment, where folks can practice communicating candidly within certain guidelines of civility and respect. 

Of course, I’ve been promoting my memoir. And, I’m starting to get bookings for TREK on Stage, other speaking engagements, and music performances. Recently, I performed a set of songs for a rally called Hate Has No Home Here, in support of a trans woman who was assaulted on the beach where I walk my dog nearly every day. I’ve also just taken on the job as music director for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship here in Newport. As far as writing, I post the occasional blog on Daily Kos under the pseudonym Gimpy Ol’ Norman. And, earlier this year, I started on a novella, or maybe a serialized work of fiction. It’s kind of time sensitive. So, I don’t know if I’ll have the energy and focus to get it finished and out before it hits its expiration date. I just turned 70. Honestly, I don’t have the get up and go I once had. Whenever possible, I try to take time for afternoon naps.    

TR: If ‘Trek’ were to be made into a movie which actors would you like to be in it?

This is such a great question. I’m a big film fan. When I moved back to Oregon from Tennessee seven years ago, I had a screenplay in development with an established director and a very successful show runner was working on making my novel Grand Pop into a premium cable series. My first solo-written screenplay won first place at the Nashville Screenwriters Conference and two of my scripts were optioned, but never made into films.

When you’re pitching a screenplay, it’s always a good idea to have a star or two in mind because attaching name talent can help get the movie made. So, I’ve done a lot of thinking about who might play leading roles in pieces I’ve written. But, I’m the lead character in TREK, and the story’s only consistent character. It seems awfully egotistical to even imagine a movie star playing me. And, really, what actor in his mid-to-late 60s could inhabit my sensitive, vulnerable self and carry an entire film? I wish I could think of the ideal actor… but, honestly, I’m flummoxed.        

TR: What was the first major news story you remember as a child? How did it impact you?

RB: My parents tell me that I was particularly interested when King George VI of England died. I don’t remember because I was only three at the time. Apparently, I was enamored by his spiffy uniform, all those gold braids and medals. That was probably where my love for costumes was born. After all, I became a glam rocker in my 20s. One day, when I was little, a man from the Salvation Army showed up at the house soliciting donations. I saw him through the front window, got all excited and told Mom and Dad that King George was at the door.

I was just starting third grade when my favorite team, the Milwaukee Braves beat the Yankees in the World Series. That was huge. Baseball was an especially big deal in my family, because my paternal grandfather had been a pro ball player and a minor league manager. Although he died when I was four, I still remember him as a colorful character and an eternal optimist. I was definitely his favorite. Some of my most vivid early childhood memories came from spending one-on-one time with him. I remember us skipping down the sidewalk together on Multnomah Street in Portland, kicking walnuts, and singing “Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider.” I can still sing that song more than 65 years later.

Anyway, like a lot of boys growing up in the 1950s, I had dreams of becoming a ball player. Once again, I really liked the uniforms… and the rituals, too: rubbing the leather ball, pounding my fist into my mitt, chewing a big wad of bubble gum, spitting, the chatter on the diamond, all that. But, I think my baseball aspirations might have been linked to a self-imposed pressure to become the kind of man my grandfather would have wanted me to be. I idolized the Braves and hated the Yankees because they were the nemesis to my favorite players. So, when the Braves won that year, 1957, it felt like a personal victory. It sort of elevated my status with my classmates by making me a winner, too. And, it provided even greater motivation for me to develop into a pretty good Little Leaguer, an all-star. But, I didn’t play competitively after that. It scared me when the pitchers started throwing so hard. I was young for my grade, small, and less physically mature than my classmates. That’s when I started focusing more on music. Then, in seventh grade, I caught the theater bug. I got to wear costumes and make-up without fear of getting beaned by a wild pitch.     

TR: What book/s are you reading at present?

RB: Recently, my reading has run the gamut, from Brene Brown to Jon Krakauer to Richard Russo — self-help to real-life adventure to snarky fiction. Right now, I’m reading McCallandia by Bill Hall. It’s a fictional reconstruction of history in which Nixon selects Oregon Governor Tom McCall as his Vice President instead of Gerald Ford. When Nixon resigns, McCall goes on to serve two terms, which results in the U.S. being an entirely different and much better place.

I’m also a big fan of John Pavlovitz and his blog: Stuff that Needs to be Said. Although I’m a Unitarian, it’s good to know there are Christians who actually walk the walk and abide by the credo, “What would Jesus do?” 

TR:Do you have any words of wisdom to share with the activists of today?

RB: I understand that it feels like we’ve come to a crux, a crucially urgent point in our cultural evolution, when humankind might possibly be writing its own death sentence. But, it’s important to step back once in awhile to get some perspective.

First of all, cultural evolution is inevitable. Unfortunately, however, it doesn’t happen in a straight line or move ahead in a constant forward trajectory. Every bit of progress, every step forward triggers reaction, resistance, and some regression. In recent years, we’ve instigated massive cultural change… electing a black president, same-sex marriage, multiculturalism, racial blending, legalizing cannabis. So, now we find ourselves living through a period of negative resistance to those changes. This same pendulum swing happened in the 1970s when the so-called Moral Majority formed in response to the massive cultural changes of the previous decade.

Through persistence, we’ve always been able to overcome resistance to progress. The difference now is, our very survival as a species depends on not abandoning hope, not giving up. Still, at the same time, we need to remember that real, lasting change is incremental. It takes time. I’ve been an activist for more than 50 years. Yes, I get exhausted and frustrated and disappointed. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it, if anything I’ve ever done has made any difference.

But, let’s look back at how this nation began. The first Europeans who settled this continent started by decimating native culture and stealing aboriginal land, then they imported slaves from Africa to do their labor. Popular entertainment in the early colonies was going down to the town square to watch a witch being burned at the stake. So, we really have made a lot of progress since then — and a few hundred years is only a minuscule drop in the bucket of time.


About Rand BishopTrek by Rand Bishop

Oregon native Rand Bishop is a Grammy-nominated songwriter, platinum music producer, musician/singer, author, and lifelong activist for peace, justice, and equality. In his 45 years as a music-business professional, Rand recorded for major labels, shared stages and harmonized with legends, contributed compositions to more than a dozen feature-film and TV soundtracks, several stage musicals, and amassed more than 300 tunesmithing credits.

Rand has authored five published books, is an optioned, award-winning screenwriter, a produced playwright, and, for six years, penned a bi-monthly column for American Songwriter Magazine. He has served on the boards of directors of three non-profits and currently acts as music director for the Central Oregon Coast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. In June, 2019, Rand premiered his original, one-man, musical, stage performance, TREK on Stage.

Website: http://www.randbishoptrek.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/randbishoppage/

Buy TREK by Rand Bishop


Giveaway TREK by Rand Bishop

This giveaway is for the winner’s choice of one print or ebook copy of the book. Print is open to the U.S. only and ebook is available worldwide. There will be 3 winners. This giveaway ends November 1, 2019, midnight pacific time.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow TREK by Rand Bishop Tour

Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus Oct 7 Kickoff & Interview

Miller Amazon Oct 8 Review

Lu Ann Rockin’ Book Reviews Oct 10 Review & Excerpt

Beaten Coffee Barista Oct 14 Review & Excerpt

Cathryn Wellner Oct 23 Review & Guest Post

Dave Amazon Oct 24 Review

Beth Amazon Oct 25 Review

Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus Oct 29 Guest  Review

Michelle Reading Authors Nov 8 Review

Dawn Bound 4 Escape Nov 12 Guest Review

Ruth My Devotional Thoughts Nov 15 Review & Excerpt

Chuck Amazon Nov 25 Review
TREK by Rand Bishop

Obama's OdysseyObama’s Odyssey: The 2008 Race for the White House by Connie Corcoran Wilson

Publisher:  Quad City Press (September 3, 2015)
Category: U.S. Federal Government, 21st Century, Politics
ISBN-13: 978-0692527382
Tour Date: April/May
Available in: Print and ebook, 282 Pages

Obama’s Odyssey: The 2008 Race for the White House is a reporter’s-eye view of events unfolding in 2007 and 2008 as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Joe Biden, Christopher Dodd, Bill Richardson (et al.) jockeyed for position for the Democratic nomination for president, while John McCain, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and others attempted to wrest control of the Republican nomination for their party. All ran for President in a wide-open free-for-all following the end of George W. Bush’s 8 years in office.

Author Connie (Corcoran) Wilson, a veteran reporter for five newspapers and numerous blogs, followed the candidates from the Iowa caucuses all the way through to the convention (Volume I) and, after that, from the convention through the tumultuous presidential campaign itself (Volume II), until President Barack Obama’s Inauguration as the 44th President of the United States in January of 2009 (covered in Volume II).

Writing as a member of the Yahoo Content Contributors’ Network, retired sixty-something schoolteacher Wilson set off on an adventurous odyssey of her own that earned her the title 2008 Content Producer of the Year for Politics with 1,000 articles that garnered over three million hits. Filing three articles daily from the field, her adventures inside the Democratic National Convention in Denver, the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, the Ron Paul Rally for the Republic in Minneapolis, the Belmont Town Hall Meeting in Nashville or elsewhere (Florida, Nevada, etc.) are detailed, insightful and, at times, humorous.

The parallels and insights gleaned from following the presidential campaign in 2008 provide useful background material for the presidential race of 2016 now underway–with some of the same candidates that ran 8 years ago in the field again today. Never one to ignore an amusing anecdote or photo, the quotes, facts and polling data are only one small component of an engrossing read with multiple pictures that sum up the end of an era in presidential campaigns as the use of the Internet and the increasing importance of money in campaigning are clearly cataloged.

If you are a Progressive, Independent or simply a Democrat with a sense of humor, this book is for you! An entertaining, informative and relevant slice of recent history.

Praise for Obama’s Odyssey by Connie Corcoran Wilson

“Not many people get to have a behind the scenes glimpse of what goes on in a campaign. And, sometimes when we do read accounts, they are partisan. This book is different.
The author travels as a reporter, covering different candidates, in different locales, letting us into those grueling, exciting days in 2008. This is a collection of live articles written by a reporter covering the possibility of the first woman President and the first Black President.”-Sharon A. Mitchell, Amazon Reviewer

“I loved this and can’t wait for Wilson’s next great project.” –  Rose Richmond, Yahoo Contributor

“The election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 was politically startling. It captured the imagination of a nation in a way that no other political event ever did or ever will…. As his double term as President of the United States comes to an end, there is no better time to reacquaint oneself with Obama’s campaign trail, one of the most unbelievable sojourns in American history.”- Bonnie McGrath, Chicago lawyer, Blogger,  and award-winning journalist

About Connie Corcoran WilsonConnie Corcoran Wilson

Connie Corcoran Wilson is the award winning author of ‘The Color Of Evil’ series and the ‘Hellfire and Damnation’ Series. Book 3, ‘Khaki=Killer’ was named one of the Top Indie Thrillers of 2015 in the Dec./Jan. issue of Shelf Unbound magazine from among 12,000+ entries and one of her children’s books was named one of the Best  Books of 2014 by the Chicago Writers’ Association, while the Chicago chapter of the Illinois Press Women named Wilson their Silver Feather winner in 2012 and 2014.

Wilson is a University of Iowa grad in Journalism and English (additional study at Western Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, the University of Chicago and Berkeley) and a college professor with 6 decades of writing experience. She has written for 5 newspapers and many blogs, founded 3 businesses, plays 4 musical instruments, and has 2 children (born 19 years apart).

She followed the ’04, ’08 and ’12 presidential campaigns “live” for Yahoo, which named her its Content Producer of the Year for Politics in 2009. She is sometimes referred to as T.Q. (Trivia Queen) from her misspent hours in the British Pub Quiz room on AOL. She blogs at www.WeeklyWilson.com and maintains 4 ongoing fiction series while also writing about nonfiction subjects.(politics and movies).

Connie also has 7-year-old twin granddaughters who are great fun and for whom and with whom she writes the Christmas Cats series (www.TheXmasCats.com).

Connie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ConnieCWilson
Connie on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Connie-Corcoran-Wilson/275020829241869
Connie on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/conniecwilson/
onnie of Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/101447920077310676402

Watch Connie Corcoran Wilson Talk About Obama’s Odyssey Vol. 1 and 2

Buy Obama’s Odyssey by Connie Corcoran Wilson

Amazon (only $2.99 Kindle)
Barnes and Noble

Giveaway of Obama’s Odyssey by Connie Corcoran Wilson

This giveaway is for the choice of one ebook or print copy and is open to the U.S. only.  This giveaway ends on May 6, 2016 12 am pacific time.  Entries are accepted via Rafflecopter only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow Obama’s Odyssey by Connie Corcoran Wilson Tour

IndieReview Behind Scenes Internet Radio April 8 Live Interview 8 pm cst (also recorded)

Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus April 15 Interview, & Giveaway

Marianne Archuleta Apr 18 Review

BJ Apr 19 Review

Teepee12 (Serendipity) Apr 20 Review, Interview & Giveaway

BookSpin Apr 21 Review

Mandre Apr 22 Review

Mandy Apr 26 Review

Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus Apr 27 Review

Dr. Bill’s Book Bazaar May 2 Review

I feel so unnecessary May 5 Review

Obama's Odyssey by Connie Corcoran Wilson

TragedyofFidelCastro nova jpegThanks to the author, João Cerqueira, I am giving away one print copy of ‘The Tragedy of Fidel Castro’.

Book Description:

Beverly Hills Book Awards 2014 Winner in Multicultural Fiction
The USA Best Book Awards 2013 Winner in Multicultural Fiction

Beverly Hills Book Awards 2014 Finalist in Literary Fiction
The USA Best Book Awards 2013 Finalist in Historical Fiction
ForeWord Book of The Year Awards 2012 Winner in Translations (Bronze medal)
Nominated for the Montaigne Medal 2014
Winner Global Ebook Awards 2014 – Fantasy Historical Setting

When God receives a request from Fátima to help prevent a war between Fidel Castro and JFK, he asks his son, Jesus, to return to Earth and diffuse the conflict. On his island, Fidel Castro faces protests on the streets and realizes that he is about to be overthrown. Alone, surrounded, and aware that the end is fast approaching, he plays his last card.

Meanwhile, Christ arrives on Earth and teams up with Fátima, who is convinced she can create a miracle to avoid the final battle
between JFK and Fidel Castro and save the world as we know it. At the end, something really extraordinary happens! 

“Humorous, rich with metaphor, and refreshingly imaginative”, The Tragedy of Fidel Castro was chosen as the book-of-the-month and book-of-the-year by Os Meus Livros magazine.

Praise for ‘The Tragedy of Fidel Castro’:

“Novels like The Tragedy of Fidel Castro are the untamed mustangs of fiction that, unlike most other books, run wild and free, contemptuous of the confinement that the corral of ordinary classification would imprison them in”-The American Culture
””The Tragedy of Fidel Castro” is very much recommended reading for those who like religious and alternative history reads, not to be missed”-
Midwest Book Review

”This book is worth a read and I recommend it”-Wilderness House Literary Review 

“João Cerqueira’s novel is an energetic, bizarre, and extremely clever take on two heavily fictionalized leaders”-Bullet Reviews

The Tragedy of Fidel Castro is a phantasmagoric odyssey through a highly imaginative prose universe of discovery and inquest. It’s a magic realism hybrid of sacrificial lambs and Revolution, capitalistic decadence, and celestial consequence. I expect that this rich and unique narrative voice will illuminate a phosphorescent trajectory in the future annals of the New Millennial World Lit!”-Mark Spitzer – Toad Suck Review Editor, Professor of Writing at the University of Central Arkansas

“The author brilliantly balances the formal tone and themes of capitalism, socialism and religion with an appropriate dose of the ridiculous. […] The feeling I got with each page was one that I compare to the first time I read The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. I might not get it completely at first but it all ties together by the end and there’s a feeling of having expanded my world view a bit on every page. […] If you’re a fan of satire, history, or generally good literature, I highly recommend this novel”-Rabid Readers Review

”Cerqueira shows potential to be a big name in the future”-Contemporary Literary Review India

About João Cerqueira:LIVRO

João Cerqueira has a PhD in History of Art from the University of Oporto. He is the author of seven books. ‘Blame It On To Much Freedom’, ‘The Tragedy of Fidel Castro’, ‘Devil’s Observations, ‘Maria Pia: Queen and Woman’, ‘José de Guimarães’ (published in China by the Today Art Museum),’ José de Guimarães: Public Art’.

His works are published in Open Pen, Toad Suck Review, Hypertext Magazine, Cleaver Magazine, Danse Macabre, Contemporary Literary Review India, The Liberator Magazine, BoldType Magazine, All Right Magazine, South Asia Mail, Linguistic Erosion, Sundayat6mag, Calamities Press, Literary Lunes.

This giveaway is open worldwide and ends on December 6, 2014.  Please use Rafflecpter to enter.

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