Lucky Rabbit’s Foot by Courtney DavisLucky Rabbit’s Foot (The Fawn Malero Mysteries Book 4) by Courtney Davis

Publisher:  DX Varos Publishing (October 3, 2023)
Category: Supernatural, Paranormal, Mystery, Vampires
Tour Dates August 28-Sept 29, 2023
ISBN: 978-1955065894
Available in Print and ebook, 265 pages

Lucky Rabbits Foot

Description Lucky Rabbit’s Foot by Courtney Davis

These were only the beginning of Fawn Malero’s problems, but they coincided with a vampire wedding-of-the-century coming to town and that made them a top priority. And as Logan began to take on more duties as pack Alpha, her loyalties were being tested by everyone. Could she run part of the city and part of the pack?

Then the burglaries started… of human homes, threatening exposure!

Being pulled in so many directions, Fawn feared she was failing her father and the supernaturals of Seattle leaving them open for challengers to their authority. Will Fawn’s ability to enlist the help of other supernaturals be enough? Or will they finally see that she doesn’t have what it takes to keep Seattle safe and its supernaturals hidden?

Excerpt Lucky Rabbit’s Foot by Courtney Davis

We had a plan to stake out two places tonight, luckily, they were both close to each other, so we rented a room at the hotel with a view of the Space Needle and the questionable garage underneath. If the Warlock showed up to amplify his magic again, we’d be ready, and if rabbits entered the garage in droves, we’d also be ready. I was eyeballing the street for a redhead in a yellow jacket too, sure Rusty was somehow involved in something.

The news was on in the background and talking about the heatwave, the weird storms, the rabbits, and the recent uptick in burglaries. All reminding me that I was failing. Neither Logan nor I wanted to talk about the pregnancy misunderstanding and marriage demand, which left a tension between us palpable enough that Betina, Tony, and Annabel had chosen to stake things out from the ground rather than watch with us in the room.

It was almost midnight when Logan spotted a shadow moving near the Needle. About ten minutes later rain started to fall, not just a little rain either, it was a torrential downpour and the wind picked up with it, fast and hard, hammering the rain against the windows.

“Damnit, he’s at it again,” I hissed, and we rushed out of the room. “At least this will take care of most of the rabbit poop.”

“Thank god,” Logan said, and I had to imagine his Werewolf sense of smell was particularly irritated by the scent with the heat amplifying it.

I followed Logan as we went, and I had my pepper spray and stun gun tucked into my belt in case I needed them. The little prick was not going to get away tonight.

We took the stairs and rushed out to the street. I was nearly knocked on my ass with the force of the wind, but Logan grabbed my arm and we rushed to cross the street. Betina and Annabel were already there wrestling with a shadow.

“I’m trying to fix it; I have to fix it!” The words floated to us on the wind followed by grunts as fists flew.

Then the Space Needle was struck by lightning and all four bodies were thrown across the grass with a terrifying sizzle.

The smell of hot metal filled the air, and thunder so loud I was momentarily rendered deaf, echoed off the buildings. Logan dropped my arm as we raced to our friends. Betina was closest and when I sunk down by her side, I gagged at the smell of burnt flesh and rotten fish that was coming from her. Logan pressed a hand to her neck feeling for a pulse.

“Alive,” he yelled and rushed off to check Annabel and Tony. I touched Betina’s face and prayed to whatever goddess might be listening that she’d be alright. Who did Trolls worship? I pressed my hands to her face and sent my healing senses into her. I latched onto the small spark flickering out and poured myself into it. I opened myself to the ability I was only beginning to trust I had. I welcomed its power and believed in it because the alternative was far too horrible. I felt it strengthen. I would not let her die; I would not lose someone I loved so much. I shivered as the feeling of completely giving myself over to the ability ran through me and into her. The little flicker became a flame and her head lit up with new flames as life renewed inside of her, strong and sure. It gained a footing with my help, then took on its own ability to heal her.

She was strong but damn, that had been the biggest lightning bolt I’d ever seen. The rain stopped and the wind died, as suddenly as the storm had come, it was gone. The sky cleared and as I looked around, I saw Annabel sitting up with Logan’s help and Tony stumbling my way. No one else.

“Fuck,” I hissed. We’d lost him and why the hell wasn’t Betina conscious? I turned back to her and checked her pulse as Tony fell beside us.

“Is she okay?” he gasped in fear.

Her pulse was steady, but her eyes were closed. “I think so,” I assured him and leaned close to her ear. “I’m going to be so mad at you if you don’t wake up, Betina,” I whispered and swallowed the lump forming in my throat. I loved this girl, and I was responsible for her being here. I pressed my hands to her chest, feeling her heartbeat. I could see her chest rise with her breath; she was alive I assured myself again. I laid my hands back on her head and was further reassured that it was still lighting up with life, whatever I’d done, it was working. I could sense my magic inside of her, working to support her natural healing.

I closed my eyes and steadied my breath, keeping contact with her as spectators started to stop and stare. I felt Logan and Annabel approach then heard them reassuring spectators that all was well and encouraging them to move along. No need to call an ambulance. I opened my eyes and sighed. “I think she’s okay, but we should get her dry and home to bed.” She was healing, but I had a feeling it would be a few days before she’d be really okay.

©Courtney Davis

Praise for Courtney Davis

A Life With Beasts (The Fawn Malero Mysteries Book 1)

“A Life with Beasts is a story of intrigue and attraction that is especially recommended for mystery readers who enjoy more than a light dose of paranormal encounters and a touch of romance.”-D. Donovan, Midwest Book Review

“a fun adventure/mystery. Courtney Davis brings a fresh perspective to the supernatural creatures we are all familiar with without sacrificing the original ideas associated with them. She creates an exciting world of werewolves, vampires, witches/warlocks, magicians, trolls, and many others.
The book is easy to read and fast-paced. It’s a great read for the summer holidays or when you want a light, fun read. Can’t wait for the sequel!
Also, there is a healthy dose of romance, which can tend to be a bit much for those who don’t read romance (like me). However, Davis has done a great job of making the romance central to the plot, so I found it quite enjoyable.”- Writa Bhattacharjee, GoodReads

“This was a fast read and I really enjoyed it. It gave me some high school Twilight memories but brought more supernatural beings into play. There were several mysteries and problems being solved but they didn’t feel. I found the characters likeable and funny.”-Sara, GoodReads

Supernatural P.I. (The Fawn Malero Mysteries Book 2)

“a must read for all paranormal fantasy fans. From werewolves to vampires, to elves and witches this book has it all. My curiosity grew with each page. The plot has a lot of twists and turns. Magic, mayhem, romance issues, and so much more are included. Courtney Davis writes well. Her characters leap off the pages.
There was never a dull moment. I love that I could read this and dive right into this magical world. It is the second book in the series. Courtney Davis and her mystery series are now added to my favorites.”-Urban Book Reviews

a fantastic paranormal mystery/romance with a compelling and fun protagonist, and brilliant world building.  Davis’ writing is impeccable, and I enjoyed the way that she balanced the mystery, romance and comedy aspects of the novel. I also loved the way it ended! This is what all paranormal mysteries should be! _”-Bee, Book

“This was a great read and one that I cannot stop thinking about!  This is a madcap adventure that you are bound to have fun reading! Five stars for Fawn Malero!”-Nora, Storeybook Reviews

About Courtney DavisLucky Rabbit’s Foot by Courtney Davis

Courtney Davis is a mother, wife and teacher who has always loved to find time to escape into a good story. She’s been in love with reading and writing since she was a child and dreams of a life where she can devote herself fully to creating worlds and exploring relationships. To give someone else enjoyment through her words is the ultimate thrill.


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Lucky Rabbit’s Foot by Courtney Davis