Hippie Snacks Coconut BaconBill and I have been fans of Hippie Chips since they first came on the market a few years ago. Their Chocolate Cashew Cookies are so moist and fudge like! They melt in your mouth. I love snacking on their Original Coconut Chips and I also use them broken up on a vegan chocolate torte that I make.  They are sooooooooooo much better than that dried “fancy” coconut you get in the baking isle of the grocery store.  Actually, I can’t stand that stuff.

So, when I was offered a package of their new Coconut Chips Flavor, I couldn’t refuse.  I had the choice of their Coconut Bacon or Tamari and Cracked Pepper.  I chose the Coconut Bacon.

When I received it, the first thing I did was smell it.  It sure smelled like bacon!  Then I tasted it.  It has a very subtle bacon flavor.  I usually like to try product recipes as well for review purposes however, the bacon flavor is so subtle that I am sure it would get lost completely.

Would I buy it? Yes, I would but only to snack on, not to cook with. I also bought a bag of their Tamari and Cracked Pepper Flavor.  I just had to try those as well.

I give the Coconut Bacon flavor a 3.5/5 and the Tamari and Coconut Cracked Pepper flavor a 4/5.

I was sent one package of the Bacon flavor for my honest review.