Welcome to the first month of the challenge!  Thanks to everyone who has joined, I am looking foward to seeing what everyone is reading this year.  A very special thanks to those of you who have taken the challenge in previous years and are doing it again!

Important, New this year:  I will no longer doing a total of books that each individual has done.  Instead, I ask you to do the total yourself and leave it in the comments at the end of each month.  That way I can still keep the standings up dated but don’t have to do all the work myself.  So, if you read 6 books total in January 2012, comment that your total is 6.  Then in February, if you read 4, comment that your total is 10, in the February post.

Please post the books you read in January for the challenge in Mr. Linky, below:

Please enter your name and the name of the book in this format: Name: (Your Name, Book Title and Author’s Name) for example: (Teddy, Obsessive Reading by Helen Reader).


Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.