I was away visiting my mom with very limited internet access, alas no short story reviews during that time.  I’m glad to be back.

Margot of Joyfully Retired reviewed A Wagner Matinée  back in August and being the classics fan that I am, I had to read it as well.

Clark was from Nebraska but studying in Boston.  He got a letter from his uncle telling him that his Aunt Georgina is coming to Boston to settle an estate.  As a young woman, Georgina had an accomplished music teacher at the Boston Conservatory.  However she met a Nebraska homesteader and married him, ending her career.  
Clark arranged to take his aunt to a Wagner concert.  She had been so kind and a great influence on him as a child, he wanted to treat her to something special.  It had been quite a long time since Georgina had beeen to a musical concert and her reaction want quite what Clark expected.
It becomes quite clear in the story that Georgina has regrets.  You will have to read the story to find out more.  You can read it here.

I loved the way Cather displayed Georgina’s regret.  It wasn’t spelled out but you can glean from Georgina’s reaction to the music, her feelings.  It was beautifully done.  I have several of Cather’s novels in my TBR and this short story has me wanting to read more.

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