I can’t for the life of me remember how this story came to my attention.  It was written on the noodleepoodlee website, which I had never heard of.  If you brought it to my attention, I would love to give you credit.

The sub-title to this story is “Special Correspondent’s Report Hobo Joe Goes Rogue: Off the Bus, On the Wagon and Hitting the Highway”
Let me start off by saying that this is a strange story.  Not that that’s bad, in fact it was just so different, that it was refreshing.

Here is how it starts out: “Call me Hobo Joe. Yeah, I know… another Joe; it’s one of the few names Mrs. Palin can remember. Like Joe O’Biden … or Joe Arpaio or Joe Miller. Until recently, I was Joseph Campbell Sales, history advisor and image consultant (i.e. handler of opposition research, subtle pressure, veiled threats, rumor and innuendo), one of many clowns riding sidecar in the Palinpalooza Traveling Road Show and Political Action Circus’ motorcycle fleet.
Joe met Noodleepoodlee in a bar along with some other people.  They got quite intoxicated and when the bar closed went to Noodlepoodle’s place to eat and sleep.  They next day they all continued the party but they also developed a cover operational plan that Joe doesn’t quite remember following through on.   He does remember waking up in a jail cell and being fired, it sounds like it was Sara Palin, herself.  

Joe goes on to tell us what happened and the results are pretty funny. I can’t help wonder if this story has any basis of truth to the events described.  You will have to read it for yourself, to see what happens.  I would love to know your thoughts on it.  You can read it here.  

The Ballad of the Great Yukon Puke On seems to be a series on noodleepoodlee.

 Short Story Monday is hosted by John at The Book Mine Set. 

Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.