At the beginning of the month, I reviewed UNT by D.L. StoneI also ran across another short story which he posted on his blog, A Quiet House.

Tammy wanted to avoid a scene with Paul tonight.  She was tired and just wanted to slip under the cool sheets and sleep.  

“She knew Paul was in some dark corner waiting to pounce. His Camaro was parked under the pecan tree toward the back of the house. The high glossy shine smeared there reflection of the moon.”
Some nights she would tell him that she was shopping with friends but she knew he could smell the other men she has been with, on her.  She wishes that she could be rid of him.  He has no job and is just in her way but she knows he won’t leave.
Tammy arrived home and found Paul in bed.  Hoping she doesn’t wake him so takes a shower.  When she gets out…
Sorry for the tease style review but if I say anymore I’ll give away major spoilers.  I wouldn’t want to do that, so you’ll just have to go read the story if you want to know what happens.  Do you think you can guess?  There’s more to than what you think.  
The writing is crisp and clean as the cool sheets D. L. Stone describes.  He has other stories and they all free for the reading.  I would love to see other peoples opinions of his stories, so if you have reviewed any, please leave a link in the comments.  If you haven’t, go give him a try and come back and let me know what you think.  You can read this and his other short stories, here.

Short Story Monday is hosted by John at The Book Mine Set.


Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.