Earlier this year I reviewed volumes 1 and 2 of the Sweet Tooth series, Out of the Deep Woods and In Captivity.   Volume 3, Animal Armies is out now and I was the first person at my library to check it out.

Gus is being held captive at a compound where the are experimenting on hybrid children such as himself, to try to come up with a cure that is killing the non-hybrids.  Now the man who brought him there, Jepperd has a plan to get Gus back out.  He had originally brought Gus there in exchange for his wife’s remains.  She died trying to deliver their baby.  Jepperd was glad to be able to give his wife a proper burial but felt guilty for what he was forced to do to get her back.

I didn’t think it was possible for this series to get any darker but it has.  It is written in Lemire fashion, keeping the pages turning until the end.  The graphics were still in color but darker, which captures the mood of the story well.  There were new turns and twists that had me finish the book in one big gulp.  The end leaves the reader hanging again, so that must mean that there will be a fourth volume.


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