I read another Oscar Wilde story.  It was a very short,5 page fable like story.  I don’t usually read fantasy but this was a nice little change of pace.
There was a beautiful garden where all the children in the village played.  It was the giants garden but he had been out of town for years.  
One day, the giant returned and yelled at the children that it was his garden to play in, not there’s.  He built a wall around the garden so no one could come inside his garden again.  

Winter came and persisted month after month, well past when spring and then summer should have arrived.  Can you guess what happened?

The moral of the story was very obvious to me right away but I am sure Wilde wrote this for children.  I still enjoyed it a short and sweet bed time story.  You can read it here.

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Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.