Edition 23 of the Bookworms Carnival is up at Jessica’s The Bluestocking Society. The topic this time round is “literature and film”.

Jessica wants to know “Do you prefer to read the book first or see the movie first?”

I usually prefer to read the book first. However, that often ruins the movie adaptation for me. Most of the time I prefer the book to a movie. I think part of it is that the movie can only represent a small part of a full novel, so I find things that were important to me lacking the movie version.

On the other hand, I have often seen movies that I have loved so much that I then read the book. That usually works pretty well because it don’t have the preconceived notion of what the movie should include. There have been a few occasions when I have like the movie better than the book. Those times are rare, but do happen.

What is your opinion? Be sure to visit the Bookworms Carnival, there are some great articles and reviews on this topic, including two book reviews from me. 🙂

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