Marg at Reading Adventures tagged me for a really fun meme.

The rules of this particular meme are:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages)
2. Open the book to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence
4. Post the next three sentences
5. Tag five people

This is a really easy one for me, as I just so happen to have Sula by Toni Morrison right by my computer waiting for me to write a review. (Tune in later for the review).

For loneliness assumed the absence of other people, and the solitude she found in that desperate terrain had never admitted the possibility of other people. She went then. Tears for the deaths of the littlest things: the castaway shoes’ of children; broken stems of marsh grass battered and drowned by the sea; prom photographs of dead women she never knew; wedding rings in pawnshop windows; the tidy bodies of Cornish hens in a nest of rice.

Not funny, I know, but that is what is on page 123.

Now to tag 5 people:
Michelle at
Jill at The Magic Lasso
Stephanie’s Confessions of a Book-a-holic
Dana at Once Upon a Book
Aarti at Book Lust

Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.