Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Ponies by Kij Johnson

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on May 2, 2011
Posted in Short Story Read in 2011  | 6 Comments

Two weeks ago, I read a short story review over at Carol’s Notebook.  The story was Ponies by Kij Johnson.  It was nominated for the Nebula award and I can see why.  Just reading Carols review of the story impacted me.  Of course, I had to read Ponies for myself.

Barbara and Sunny got an invitation.  They were so excited!

“You and your Pony ___[and Sunny’s name is handwritten here, in puffy letters]___ are invited to a cutting-out party with TheOtherGirls! If we like you, and if your Pony does okay, we’ll let you hang out with us.”

Sunny wants so badly to make friends with other ponies.  It doesn’t matter to him if his wings are cut off so he can’t fly anymore, nor that his horn will be cut off too.  He wants to be able to talk, socialize, and play.  Barbara, wants be part of tTheOtherGirls.  She will finally have friends.

TopGirl meets Barbara and Sunny at the party.  The is a lot of entertainment there, including a live rock band.

“And then it’s time. TheOtherGirls and their silent Ponies collect in a ring around Barbara and Sunny. Barbara feels sick.”

Ponies is a story about growing up and trying to fit in.  This is a very short story, under 5 pages.  However, it packs a BIG punch!  It left my heart heavy and tears in my eyes.  Highly recommended! You can read it here.


Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.

The Green Book by Amal El-Mohtar

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on April 26, 2011
Posted in Short Story Read in 2011  | 8 Comments

Earlier this month, Carol of Carol’s Notebook reviewed The Green Book  by Amal El-Mohtar.  Her review really piqued my curiosity so I had to check it out myself.
This is a very different kind of story.  It starts out with a description of a strange green book.  Dominic, an apprentice for Leuwin in his library.  He is transcribing the book that appears to be written by four different people but he then comes to a letter, written by a woman name Cynthia.  Cynthia is trapped in the book and can’t get out.  Leuwin has fallen in love with her but cannot release her.
What happens to Dominic as he transcribes?  You will have to read the story to find out.  I had some trouble getting into the description part of the green book.  It almost seemed like a disconnected list than a description.  However, once the story turned to the letter within the green book, it captured my attention and I didn’t want it to end.  The Green Book is a well written and very inventive story.  Very refreshing!  You can read it here.
If you would like to participate in Short Story Mondays, go to John of The Book Mine Set. He has a short story review every Monday and a place for you to link your short story review. Come join in the fun and add to my short story TBR!


Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.
You may recognize the name Susan Helene Gottfried as a book blogger from West of Mars, fame.  She has several blogs there but she is also an author.  April 12th was her birthday and for her birthday she asked people to buy her short story for $.99.  When I read the description, I knew I wanted to read it.

Lynne liked to go with her father to Elite Threads, his favorite clothing store.  It was nice to have the one on one time.  She felt special because he would hold her hand.  Her favorite part about going with her father was the mannequin that was there in the men’s department.
“He looked like Mom’s Ken doll, the one who was never allowed out of his display case to play with any of Lynne’s Barbies. This mannequin’s hair wasn’t brown plastic waves like Ken’s. It looked real.”
While her father tried on clothes, Lynne would sit at the Mannequins feet and daydream about what it would be like if he was her father.
“Ken would pay attention to her. Well, more attention than visits to Elite Threads, where she sat under Ken’s feet and daydreamed about someone who wasn’t even real. It wasn’t like Lynne’s dad talked much to her while they were in the shop. Just on the way there and back home again, and even then, he mostly talked about clothes while she stared out the window and pretended to listen.”
While at the store another man came in and tried on a shirt.  He looked more like Ken too. 

I found it amazing how Susan wove this story together.  All the different layers of powerful prose that added up to a little girl who had to dream about having a father in who life because her real one was just too busy for her.  This story took my breath away!  You can buy it Smashwords or Amazon for $.99.  This gem is worth every penny, actually more.

If you read it, please be sure to come back and tell me what you think of it.

If you would like to participate in Short Story Mondays, go to John of The Book Mine Set. He has a short story review every Monday and a place for you to link your short story review. Come join in the fun and add to my short story TBR!


Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.