Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Stephanie decides to have a ponytail and asks her mom to do it for her. When she arrived at school, all the children chanted, ” Ugly, Ugly, very ugly. Stephanie says, “It’s my ponytail and I like it.” The next day to Stephanie’s dismay, all of the girls were wearing ponytails. She called them “copycats.”
The next day she wore her ponytail to one side. The kids at school did the “ugly chant again. However, the next day the children, even some of the boys were wearing ponytails on the side. This went on for a few days, Stephanie would wear her pony tail a different way and the next day the kids wore theirs the same way.
Stephanie finally got fed up with all of the copycats and announced that she was going to shave her head. Read this book to find out what happened next.
This is a really fun book that teaches about conformity and individuality. It’s a wonderful book to read with your kids and then discuss it with them. The art work is colourful and creative. Highly recommended.
Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.
Short Story Monday is hosted by John over at the Book Mine Set. 
Gah-Ning announces to her father that she wants to go on a trip to Kapuskaing.  Her father threw the food he was preparing up in the air and said, “No.  When people go to Kauskaing they spend hundreds of dollars.”
After awhile Gah-Ning hops on her bicycle and starts pedalling down the road to Kapuskaing.
Her father went to tell her that it was time for lunch but she was nowhere to be found.  Her mother said that5 she saw her earlier on her bicycle.  Her father put two and two together and figured out that Gah-Ning was going to Kapuskasing.  He got in his car and went to find her and brought her home.
Later he went to find Gah-Ning to tell her it was time for dinner and her father went to tell her, he found out she was roller blading.  Again, he figured she was going to Kapuskasing.
Gah-Ning finally did get to Kapuskasing but, you’ll have to read out how.
 Robert Munsch is a master children’s book writer and this book does not disappoint.  The illustrated are excellent!  Very vivid and colourful.  At the end of the story Munsch writes about how the story came about.  It is based on a little girl who wrote him a letter.  Her name, Gah-Ning.  This is a delightful children’s book to enjoy together with your child.
Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.

Saoussan use to live in a nice place but then a war started. She narrates and tell us her story.

When her family home was bombed, her father decided to come to Canada and get things ready for his family to follow. He sent the plane tickets and it took them two days of travel to get here. Poor Saoussan had air sickness the entire time.

She went to school but didn’t know English. One day she went out into the hallway of the school to go to the washroom but she was greeted by a skeleton. She thought people were going to start shooting each other and she screamed. The teacher tried to explain that it was Halloween but Saoussan didn’t understand.
Saoussan did learn to read, write, and speak English quickly. The next year, she even wore a mask for Halloween.

This was a fun book that is also educational. It helps explain how different children can come from different countries and have a few barriers at first, such as language. The art work was also top notch, which I have come to expect from Michael Martchenko. Highly recommended.
Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.