Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Mailbox Monday

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on May 3, 2011
Posted in Mail Box Mondays 

Mailbox Monday now has it’s very own blog, Mailbox Monday.  It is also on tour and is being hosted by Mari Reads in May.

I received the following books in my In Box:

 I received this ebook through Simon and Schuster Galley Grab.

In this sweeping saga of love, betrayal, and redemption, a young Dutch woman’s search for family takes her across three continents.  

I received this ebook through Devon Pool of McArthur & Company.
Romance, glamour and adventure in the skies: an enthralling debut inspired by female pilots in World War II

 Another Simon and Schuster Galley Grab.
It’s first century B.C. Cleopatra is the one that her father has chosen to be the next queen of Egypt. But when King Ptolemy is forced into exile, Cleopatra is left alone to fend for herself in a palace. Smart, courageous, ambitious and sensuously beautiful, she possesses the charm to cause two of history’s most famous leaders to fall in love with her. But as her cruel sisters plot to steal the throne, Cleopatra realizes there is only one person on whom she can rely–herself.

 Another Simon and Schuster Galley Grab.

The summer of 1914 is that precious last wink of time when they can still be sisters together–sisters that link arms and laugh, sisters that share their dreams and worries, and flirt with the officers of their imperial yacht.  But in a gunshot the future changes for these sisters and for Russia.

 Another Simon and Schuster Galley Grab.

A tragic love story set in Cold War Berlin.

Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.

Mailbox Monday

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on April 26, 2011
Posted in Mail Box Mondays  | 16 Comments

Mailbox Monday now has it’s very own blog, Mailbox Monday.  It is also on tour and is being hosted by Passages to the Past in April.

I received three books in my inbox (I actually purchased these ebooks:


 I read so many great reviews of this books from reviewers I usually agree with.  I was given a gift card as a thank you for going “above and beyond” at work.  Totally unnecessary and unexpected.  I decided to use it for this book and the next.

This has been on my TBR since I heard it was being published.  I know it hasn’t lived up to expectations but I want to complete the series.

 This book is available on Smashwords for $3.99 U.S.  All of the proceeds are going to Disaster Relief and our own Susan Helene Gottfried has a story in it.  The only problem, it’s totally un-readable!  The words are layered on top of words, in the epub format.  I wrote to Smashwords last Tuesday about it and they have not gotten back to me!  I wrote to them again today.  I’ll keep you posted.  I obviously won’t be buying anything else from them if they don’t respond!


Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.

Mailbox Monday

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on April 19, 2011
Posted in Mail Box Mondays  | 11 Comments

Mailbox Monday now has it’s very own blog, Mailbox Monday.  It is also on tour and is being hosted by Passages to the Past in April.

I received three books in my inbox:

 I won Sultina by Lisa J. Yarde from a giveaway at History and Women. Lisa sent On Falcon’s Wings along with it.  Thanks You!

Sourcebooks is having another sale and for $4.99 I couldn’t resist.  I have been staying away from Ciji Ware because a lot of her books sound like they have a bit too much emphasis on romance rather than the historical.  However, I am very interested in the historical aspect of this novel so thought I would give it and Ciji Ware a try.

Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.