Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.
I requested and received this book from Net Galley and Bloomsbury.
I requested and received this book from Net Galley and Doubleday. Iook for my giveaway of this book, coming soon.
I requested and received this book from Net Galley and T.S. Poetry Press.
I received this and the following 2 books from Harper Collins, unsolicited. They are not to my taste but I will find a good home for them.
I received this book from Meryl L. Moss. It is not to my taste but I know a good home for it. Look for my upcoming feature and giveaway of this book, coming soon.
Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.
I checked this ebook out from my library. I am a fan of Rosanne Cash. I met her about 25 years ago and she seemed really sweet in person.
I won this ebook from my Anna over atDiary of an Eccentric and the author, Danielle Younge-Ullman sent it to me via email.
Kobo sent me another 30% off promotion code and this book has been on my TBR for a very long time.
I received this from Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc. It is not my cuppa but I will be giving away a copy to one of my lucky readers in February and will find a good home for this copy.
I received this ebook for review from Nikki Leigh at Promo 101. Tweet
Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.