Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Essex County Vol. 3: The Country Nurse by Jeff Lemire

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on December 28, 2010
Posted in Books Read in 2010graphic novels 

This book is the conclusion of the Essex County Trilogy. It ties the entire trilogy together and we learn about the loss and regret of some of the farming community’s inhabitants  
It follows the town’s traveling nurse, Anne Quenneville.  As she visits each patient, the story unfolds.  As Anne tends to her patient’s we learn more about the town’s secrets and the secrets of Anne’s ancestors as well.
This didn’t flow as well as the other two.  There were flash backs of Anne’s family but you don’t learn that they are her ancestors until the end.  It made it confusing.  I kept wonder “who are these people that keep popping up.”  However, it finally did make sense and I did enjoy the book as a whole.
As in the other two books, the artistry of Jeff Lemire really shined, with both his sparse writing and drawings.  It is amazing how much of the story is told with just pictures and no captions.  He does an amazing job.
Read my review of the first two volumes, here:

Essex County Vol.1: Tales From the Farm by Jeff Lemire

Essex County Volume 2: Ghost Stories by Jeff Lemire

Also reviewed at:

A Season to Read
The Book Mine Set

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Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.

The End of the Ice Age by Terence Young

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on December 13, 2010
Posted in Books Read in 2010Short Story Read in 2010  | 2 Comments

The End of The Ice Age is Terence Young’s second short story collection. If the first collection is anywhere near as good as this one, I must read it. I find most short story collects to be very uneven, some really good stories and some not so good or even terrible. There was only one story in this collection I didn’t like, ‘Rumours of Human Sacrifice’. To be honest, I didn’t really get the point of it. Perhaps a discussion with my Book Club would help?
The rest of the stories were quite strong. Back in October, I reviewed one story in this collection, ‘That Time of Year.’ You can read my review of it here. Reading many of the stories took me on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Never sentimental but very moving, Young wrote of different life circumstances which included people from young to old.

The majority of the stories took place here, in Canada. After all, Young lives here, in British Columbia. I love how he captured the landscape while telling such dark stories. These stories will be in my thoughts for a long time to come, perhaps a lifetime.

Terence Young has published four books before this one and all four have been nominated for various awards. I can see why. Terence Young is a author whose work is not to be missed.
Thanks to the Vancouver Public Library for circulating such a great selection of great books, including this one.
Also reviewed by:
If you reviewed this book or any of its contents, please leave a link in the comments so I can post it here.


Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.

Annexed by Sharon Dogar

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on December 10, 2010
Posted in Books Read in 2010WWII  | 9 Comments

Most everybody knows about Anne Frank and her family but, mostly from Anne’s point of view. Have you ever wondered what Peter van Pels point of view was? No, he did not keep a diary like Anne, so we will never know for sure however , thanks to Sharon Dogar we can imagine what he thought.

The dreadful day in 1942 when the Franks and van Pels were to meet up in the annex to hide from the Nazis, Peter van Pels decided to run away with his girlfriend, Liesl. He went to meet her but instead, to his horror he witnessed Lisel and her family being taken away from their home by the nazis. Now, with nowhere else to turn, he knew he had to go to the annex as planned.
He spends quite a bit of time there, in bed and thinking of Liesl. Pretty much everyone gets on his nerves, especially Anne with her overly cheery and talkative disposition. He thinks to himself,
“I wonder how this can be called living? How can we be in a space this small?
We’re trapped in this building like rats in a sinking ship,
waiting to be caught. The pain flashes through my head
again, lightning striking a steeple.”
Finally Peter’s father tells Peter that he must chip in with the work that needs to be done. His father said to him,
“Fight!” he says, and he sits back and shakes his head at
me. “You think you can fight this? Get up and make yourself
useful, that’s how we fight.”
He still dreams of Liesl and wonders if she is still alive. However, he starts to enjoy the company of Anne and her older sister, Margot. More and more the three of them spend time together making jokes and telling each other their fears.
After about a year together, Anne and Peter start to have romantic feelings for each other. The adults notice it and Otto Frank, Anne’s father has a chat with Peter telling him that he thinks that Anne and Peter should just remain good friends so that Margot doesn’t feel left out. However, love can’t be controlled very well and Anne and Peter’s relationship deepens.
Despite her strong feelings for Peter, Anne has another love, writing. She spends hours every day writing in her diary. Her father tells everyone how important it is to tell everyone they can their story when they get out. If for some reason they don’t make it, Otto keeps Anne’s diary for her in a hiding place so people can read it and learn about their circumstances.
Soon before the war ends the Nazis discover the annex and the people in it. They are all shipped off to death camps. The only survivor was Otto Frank. His friend and employee Miep keep Anne’s diary and Otto edits it and has it published. It has been read by millions of people all over the world.
I’m ashamed to say, I have never read ‘The Diary of Anne Frank.’ I don’t even know how that’s possible, I am of Jewish heritage, why didn’t my Sunday school assign it for the holocaust lessons? I don’t practice Judaism but I know I must read Anne Frank’s Diary. Actually, everyone should read it. IMO.
Sharon Dogar made the life in the Annex real. She gave Peter van Pels a voice, though fiction, it was a wonderful voice. I like to think that she got the essence of his voice right. Her poetic prose was strong and vibrant and never overly sentimental. She tells the fictionalized story of Peter, Anne, and the Annex in perfect pitch. This book is marketed as for young adults but I think it’s an excellent book for adults as well.
Thanks to Net Galley and Houghton Mifflin Books for the ebook galley version of this book.
Did you review this book?  Please leave a link in the comments so I can post it here. 
Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.