Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on ClichesMurphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches by Keith Hirshland

Publisher: Beacon Publishing Group (October 6, 2023)
Category: Mystery
Tour dates: May 29-June 28, 2024

ISBN: 978-1961504035
Available in Print and ebook, 356 pages

Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches

Description Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches by Keith Hirshland


When we last left Murphy Murphy, the Department of Redundancy Department detective had just solved a mystery that revolved around the popular rock band, Serious Crisis. That success made headlines and sent Murphy’s world spinning. Acclaim followed in the form of TV network interviews, a book deal, and ultimately a call from Hollywood.

Now, back in Los Angeles our intrepid detective goes from movie set consultant to crime solving detective with one, out of the blue, phone call. The Commission on Cliches is in crisis and only Murphy Murphy can solve the case. Murder, mayhem, and a motive as old as the hills ensue as redundancies and cliches abound. Can Murphy crack the case? Only time will tell.


Review Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches by Keith Hirshland


Guest Review by Mark

“Here’s the long and short of it. The commission, which I may have mentioned I head, has discovered it’s sacred text has gone missing. I fear foul play and intend to move heaven and earth to retrieve it.”

One man, a mission and a veritable smorgasbord of cliches– ‘Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches,’ is a book that I was all in for from the start! I love a quirky mystery, and this book is about as quirky as it gets.

Murphy Murphy is a detective with a redundant name, and a hatred for all things repetitive. Although he is only one of many Murphy Murphy men in his family, he intended to end the naming madness and refrain from having any children. That is, until he met his beautiful girlfriend, Charlie Carlucci. Now he’s not so sure.

But romantic questions are the least of Murphy Murphy’s problems. Soon, he is given a case by the head of the Commission on Cliches, and this one is a doozy.

Murphy has to find a commissioner that has gone missing, along with his ‘sacred text,’ – a book of every cliché that has ever existed. While this prospect might be daunting for some, Murphy has a lot of experience finding missing people. The only thing that bothers him about the case is all of the cliches that he must endure before he can wrap it up.

This novel was like a mystery, a romance and a joke book all wrapped up into one neat little package and I couldn’t get enough! The author really nailed the execution of the funnier moments, and that is something that is definitely not easy. I can’t remember another book that has made me laugh out loud the way this one did.

If you are in search of a hilarious read, look no further!


About Keith Hirshland

Keith Hirshland

Award winning author, Keith Hirshland is an Emmy Award–winning sports television producer with more than three decades of experience producing shows that aired on ESPN and ESPN2. Among the first forty people to be hired by the Golf Channel in 1994.

Cover Me Boys, I’m Going In: Tales of the Tube from a Broadcast Brat is a memoir about his experiences in the television industry. It was recognized as Book talk Radio Clubs Memoir of the Year. Big Flies, his first mystery novel, was published in 2016 and is the recipient of the New Apple Awards “Solo Medalist Award. His fourth book was Murphy Murphy and the Case of Serious Crisis, published by Beacon Publishing Group in 2020. Murphy Murphy was named Book talk Radio Club Book of the Year. Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches is his sixth book.

​Hirshland lives in Colorado with his wife, Sarah, and their two dogs.



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Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches