Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on ClichesMurphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches by Keith Hirshland

Publisher: Beacon Publishing Group (October 6, 2023)
Category: Mystery
Tour dates: May 29-June 28, 2024

ISBN: 978-1961504035
Available in Print and ebook, 356 pages

Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches

Description Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches by Keith Hirshland


When we last left Murphy Murphy, the Department of Redundancy Department detective had just solved a mystery that revolved around the popular rock band, Serious Crisis. That success made headlines and sent Murphy’s world spinning. Acclaim followed in the form of TV network interviews, a book deal, and ultimately a call from Hollywood.

Now, back in Los Angeles our intrepid detective goes from movie set consultant to crime solving detective with one, out of the blue, phone call. The Commission on Cliches is in crisis and only Murphy Murphy can solve the case. Murder, mayhem, and a motive as old as the hills ensue as redundancies and cliches abound. Can Murphy crack the case? Only time will tell.


Excerpt Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches


“I’ve been around since god’s dog was a puppy,” Katterwomp laughed at his own joke. “Seriously, Roberto Francis Picozzi, my third cousin twice removed, was appointed to the original commission. He was a man among boys, as honest as the day is long, give you the shirt off his back actually, and I wanted to be just like him. I told him I wanted to be a commissioner, put my best foot forward, and threw my hat into the ring. When he called to advise me of my appointment it was a red letter day!”

“You’re exhausting,” was all Murphy thought to say.

“Runs in the blood I’m afraid.”

“Who pays you?” Murphy thought to ask.

“Why you do!” the man said with a chuckle.

“What do you mean I do?”

“You as in the American taxpayer. That was another legislative sleight of hand slipped into The National Defense Authorization Act.”

“Another 5,000 word bill?” Murphy said with contempt.

“To the contrary my good detective. The Sunshine in the Government Act can’t hold a candle to the NDAA. That one is more than 3,200 pages and includes hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of words. I believe we can be found on page 2,455 or is it 2,456. Oh wait, maybe it’s 1,472.”

“It doesn’t matter,” interrupted Murphy.

“That’s my point exactly. I realize all of this sounds as dull as dishwater but you did ask.”

“I know,” Murphy admitted. “Who appoints new commissioners?”

“We do,” Katterwomp answered, “well to be on the up and up, I do. But, of course, any new appointee must be up to snuff.”

“Of course.”

“Anyway, thanks to the powers that be in Congress, the long and short of it is the commission on cliches is renewed and funded every time the government passes the NDAA. In essence we’ve been on the gravy train since the 1970’s.”

 “Terrific,” Murphy said shaking his head. “Now, tell me about the sacred text.” The detective waited for a response as several seconds passed. “Mr. Katterwomp? Are you still there?”

“I’m here detective. It’s just that when I think of the missing pages I sink into a blue funk.”

“Give it the old college try,” Murphy poked.

“I’ll bite the bullet,” Katterwomp conceded. “What has gone missing is actually a book that was first authored years ago by a commissioner named Roger James. He felt it wise to put pen to paper and document the history of every sacrosanct word or phrase that, over time, rose to the level of cliché worthy,” Katterwomp paused. “It MUST be found detective! The words need to be preserved so future generations going forward know the origins and backstories of our most cherished sayings!!” A-OK was yelling now.

Most impressive, thought Murphy Murphy, cliches mixed with redundancies. This guy is really talented. “Calm down sir,” Murphy advised, “Take a deep breath.”

“My apologies detective,” A-OK said after composing himself, “this conversation has gotten my dander up. I mean if there’s no history there can be no future. Hey wait,” Katterwomp stopped, “I need a pen and paper so I can write that down, put it on ice so I can insert it in the book once you find it. It’s good as gold!”

“You do that,” said Murphy. He waited until A-OK returned. “So, what does Mr. James think happened to the book?” Murphy asked.

“Alas and alack I have no idea.”

“Why not?”

“It seems Roger James has cut and run.”

“He’s disappeared?”

“In the wind.”

©Keith Hirshland

Praise Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches by Keith Hirshland


“Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commision on Cliches by Keith Hirshland is another grand adventure for fans of this detective. Filled with intrigue and humor, readers get the best mystery from this talented writer. If you love mystery, music, and drama then this is for you! Think of Pink Panther and Anthony Horowitz’s novels had a baby…this book would be it. It keeps you glued into the story wondering what’s next. The suspense of what the characters will do or say is the key that keeps me coming back for more. Keith Hirshland is also gifted in not only wonderful characterization but also in dialogue. Just like the key word in the title of this read, readers will find popular cliches inside that will make them laugh. Detective Murphy Murphy will win me over every time. Quirky, clever, and hilarious Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commision on Cliches is a must read for all.”- Danielle Urban


Praise For Murphy Murphy and the Case of Serious Crisis


“There’s a lot of humor around Murphy.  He’s kind of a
stumble bum but he is endearing and dedicated.
Finds layers or clues to unravel and the mysteries twist and turn keeping you turning the pages.”-Sherry,My Reading Journeys

“For me, the combination of the two elements—mystery and persiflage of the American vernacular—was greater that the sum total of its individual parts, and made it an enjoyable read. In other words: if the title intrigued you, you’ll enjoy the book. Delightfully quirky.- Stephan Stuecklin, Amazon

“This book reminded me of some of the great detective stories, like Agatha’s Christie’s novels starring the great, quirky sleuth ‘Poirot.’ Keith Hirshland has written in that same vein—a compelling, funny, slightly eccentric detective for the ages. I would love to read more of Murphy’s cases and more from the zany characters of his world.”-Amy C., Locks, Hooks, and Books

“This girl, who is used to reading good grammar, is driving herself crazy reading the wordplay or in this case, “the redundancies.” clever humor and keen sense, I laughed out loud at the humor! I loved the characters too from the detective, to the bands, to the people Murphy Murphy interviewed. The author did a good job of making all of them have some quirkiness to them that just added to the book.”- Michelle, Reading Authors Network

“Murphy Murphy’s reaction to redundant phrases being used all around him had me laughing. Keith Hirshland is a fantastic storyteller. I thought I figured out who had stolen the band’s items and what had happened to the missing band member, but I was so wrong. The well-developed characters and his ability to weave a story together had me fooled.”-Lisa’s Writopia


About Keith Hirshland


Keith Hirshland

Award winning author, Keith Hirshland is an Emmy Award–winning sports television producer with more than three decades of experience producing shows that aired on ESPN and ESPN2. Among the first forty people to be hired by the Golf Channel in 1994.

Cover Me Boys, I’m Going In: Tales of the Tube from a Broadcast Brat is a memoir about his experiences in the television industry. It was recognized as Book talk Radio Clubs Memoir of the Year. Big Flies, his first mystery novel, was published in 2016 and is the recipient of the New Apple Awards “Solo Medalist Award. His fourth book was Murphy Murphy and the Case of Serious Crisis, published by Beacon Publishing Group in 2020. Murphy Murphy was named Book talk Radio Club Book of the Year. Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches is his sixth book.

​Hirshland lives in Colorado with his wife, Sarah, and their two dogs.



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Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches