Wakanda Files by Troy BenjaminWakanda Files by Troy Benjamin

Thanks to Steve Roth of Quarto Publishing Group, I am giving away one print copy of ‘A Mother’s Grace’ by Michelle Moore.

Description Wakanda Files by Troy Benjamin

An in-world book from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Wakanda Files—compiled by request of Shuri (Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War) as part of her quest to improve the future for all people—is a collection of papers, articles, blueprints, and notes amassed throughout history by Wakanda’s War Dogs. In a nod to Wakandan technology, the pages of the book have a printed layer of UV ink with content that is visible only under the accompanying Kimoyo bead–shaped UV light.

Within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Wakanda has been on the forefront of what is technologically possible. Their ability to stay ahead of the rest of the world is second only to their ability to keep themselves hidden. As the architect behind many of Wakanda’s great advancements, Shuri is constantly seeking ways to improve what has come before. To aid in her search, she researches the past for context, reference, and inspiration by compiling The Wakanda Files.

Organized into areas of study, including human enhancement, transportation, weapons, artificial intelligence, and more, The Wakanda Files trace the world’s technological achievements from the era of Howard Stark and early Hydra studies to modern discoveries in quantum tunneling and nanotechnology, weaving together the stories, personalities, and technology that are the fabric of the MCU.

About Troy Benjamin

Troy Benjamin is a Los Angeles–based book and comic book author who has written exhaustive fan-centric publications including the Haynes Ghostbusters Ectomobile Owner’s Workshop Manual, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Declassified book series, How to Paint Characters the Marvel Studios Way, and has been a contributor to the official Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Website: http://www.stillplayingwithtoys.net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/troystillplays

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Giveaway Wakanda Files by Troy Benjamin

This giveaway is open to Canada and the U.S. only and ends on October 23, 2020 midnight pacific time.  Entries are accepted via Rafflecopter only.

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