Teddyrose Book Reviews Plus

Sunny Gale by Jamie Lisa Forbes

Sunny Gale by Jamie Lisa ForbesSunny Gale by Jamie Lisa Forbes

Publisher:  Pronghorn Press, (May, 2024)
Category: Historical Fiction, Western Fiction
Tour dates: August 5-Sept 20, 2024
ISBN: 978-1-941052-72-3
Available in Print and ebook, 340 pages

Description Sunny Gale by Jamie Lisa Forbes


When Hannah Brandt, who comes from a hardscrabble background in Ohio and Nebraska, first gets to ride a horse in 1895 at the age of 14, she realizes that there is no going back. . .  Her destiny is to be a rodeo star and break new ground as a female bronco rider. She wins first place in a race at the Cheyenne Frontier Days rodeo at 18, and soon she’s known by a new name: Sunny Gale.

Her marriage to her first husband, Luke Mangum, ends in divorce and
she’s taken in by the Pickering clan, who are rodeo royalty. After she marries Tad Pickering, her star continues to rise as she and her spouse amaze crowds with “Roman Riding,” each of them standing astride two galloping horses.

When tragedy occurs, Sunny quits the clan and moves on. . .  She finds a refuge in New Mexico with one-legged rancher Angus Laroche, who dispenses tough love. . . But her love life continues to be complicated, and the novel’s resolution sees her life come full circle, after a fashion.

This is a story of rodeos, marriages, sexism, and social mores—all churned together. . . A moving, memorable, and fully realized rodeo saga. Kirkus Reviews (starred)


Excerpt Sunny Gale by Jamie Lisa Forbes

Zephira. That was the name she’d chosen

for her filly. In her book, one story told of how

Zephyr, the spring wind, had fallen in love with a

dancing white mare and, in time, their offspring

became the foundation of all the great and fast

horses that roamed the globe. In the illustration,

Zephyr and his mare watched as their plump colts

galloped away in all directions.

Here was one of the lost daughters: Zephira.

A demigoddess.

Hannah didn’t dare move, though she was

turning numb from cold. Blown sand collected

around the feed bucket. The filly’s mane lifted and

fell. She wouldn’t budge. Too many unfamiliar sounds

around the house and barn, the banging of loose

boards, the blades rattling on the windmill. She

stamped and whinnied.

Hannah understood.

Bring the bucket out here, where it’s safe.

That’s what Zephira demanded.

Hannah knew the filly had no fondness

for her; the bucket was their only connection. As

unendurable as these moments were, she knew

time was running out. If she didn’t catch that filly

within the next few days before the grass came up,

she’d never see her again. Zephira would drift off

beyond this homeplace in search of her brothers

and sisters and never return.

Hunger. Hunger was Hannah’s helper.

Hunger called to the filly better than Hannah

could. Zephira took two steps to the gate, then

stopped. Hannah’s pulse pounded in her ears.

Five paces more. The wind gusted, again. The filly

listened. And just like that she walked far enough

into the enclosure where the gate could be swung

shut behind her. She sniffed at Hannah. Hannah

nodded back. Yes, you know me, you can come in.

The filly snorted once before plunging her

muzzle into the bucket. Hannah slipped the blanket

off, crept around to the gate, and latched it.

Now what will you do, Hannah?

All her energies had been channeled into

this one moment. She hadn’t thought of what

would come next.

Tremain would come and she wouldn’t be

able to hide the filly from him. Another mouth to

feed, he would say.

Howling, pleading, throwing herself on the

ground—that would do the trick. Please let her

stay. I will care for her, then you can sell her and

get your money back for the feed. Surely, he would

agree when he saw how much it meant to her. For

all his rants, she still believed he loved her.

The bucket overturned. The filly was done.

She wheeled, walked back to the gate and found

her way barred. She nosed along the corral, probing

for the way out, every step quicker, more panicked.

She broke into a dead run and slammed into the

corner so hard she nearly fell over backwards. She

wheeled and tore the other way, slamming into

the next corner. Then she was running blindly, all

the while blasting her alarm, a racket heard over

the wind.

Hannah didn’t know what to do. Something

had to be done before the horse hurt herself. She

tried walking toward her. Please, please stop.

Zephira was too terrified by the enclosure to even

know that Hannah was there. Already, the skin

on her chest was bloody where she’d hit the rails.

Another slam and her injuries could get even worse.

With tears burning her eyes, Hannah

unlatched the gate, and the wind swung it wide

open. The filly found the open space and was gone.

“What in the hell?”

Hannah heard Tremain’s voice behind her.

She turned. Tremain had the Winchester with him.

“You heard me. What are you doing?”


“You’ve been feeding that mustang, haven’t

you? I see the bucket there.”

“I thought I could tame her. I thought I’d

have a horse to ride.”

“You don’t even know how to ride, and that’s

not any kind of horse. All that is is a wild animal.”

“I’ve seen people ride. I can learn.”

“We don’t need you to ride. Better you tend

to your mother and see to her needs. This winter is

about to kill her, too.” He nodded to where the filly

had stopped to look back at them. “That animal is

starving. It’s kinder to end its misery.”


“You’ve been teaching her to eat our feed,

feed for our cattle and horse. They don’t have

enough as it is. We could all die out here if this

weather doesn’t break. Don’t you see that? Your

foolish mind is still lost in some fairyland. When

will you grow up?”

Hannah dropped to her knees. “I won’t feed

her again, Tremain, I promise.”

“It’s too late. She already knows to come

here for food. She’ll come back, maybe even break

into the barn. Look, she’s not leaving now.”

And it was true. The filly hadn’t moved.

Praise Sunny Gale by Jamie Lisa Forbes


“is a captivating rodeo saga bound to leave a lasting impression..filled with unforgettable characters and compelling narratives. Prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey as you dive into the captivating world of rodeo, filled with heart-pounding excitement and profound emotions. Get ready for the gripping narrative to sweep you off your feet and be prepared to fully immerse yourself in the magic of Sunny Gale.”-Suzie Housley, Midwest Book Reviews

“Though some of Hannah’s issues are specific to her time period, her saga serves as a poignant, timeless reminder of the complexities that lie beneath the surface of seemingly glamorous pursuits. Those who have an interest in historical fiction and historic women’s rights will find this book enlightening. It’s an eye-opening read and an evocative mixture of fact and fiction.”-Michaela Gordoni, City Review

“The transition of Hannah Brandt into Sunny Gale is a key component of the well-structured plot. Horseback riding is not just transportation so much as an escape.

Hannah(Sunny) is an extremely interesting character as she lives by her own rules and aspires to be the best. Yet her desire to push herself to the limit comes at the cost of more than a few relationships. Sunny Gale is a story about a woman who bucked social conventions, asserted her independence, and sacrificed much to satisfy her dreams. Author Jamie Lisa Forbes has written a truly engaging novel.”-Philip Zozzaro, City Book Reviews Tulsa

:”Sunny Gale is a wonderfully written story that is filled with action and
wonderful family moments along the way as well as historical accuracy of the
time period. Sunny is a very strong and interesting protagonist and shows that
strength throughout the story.

Sunny Gale is exciting, well-written and developed, and will make the reader
laugh and cry throughout. While this is the first book that I have read by this
author, it will definitely not be the last. I was extremely impressed with the
whole story and cannot wait to see what else is out there for my reading
pleasure. I would highly recommend the story to all.

Quill says: Sunny Gale is a wonderful example of a story that will pull readers
into a new world, in this case, one of rodeo riding and the entrance of women
into the sport. With its wonderfully descriptive writing and historical
accuracy, I am sure that it will be a great success and of interest to many.”-Kathy Stickles, Feathered Quill Book Reviews


Praise Jamie Lisa Forbes


Unbroken is a powerful, absorbing book from the first page to the last. Forbes’ Wyoming ranch background adds rich flavors to the story. The author draws realistic, complex characters. Unbroken is an unvarnished testimonial to a way of life that few of us know.”– Mary E. Trimble, author of ‘ TUBOB: Two Years in West Africa with the Peace Corps’

Eden gets kicked out of her house by her mother and shows up at Rowen’s house asking for a place to stay. They take her in and she becomes one of the likable characters in this book. I would recommend this book if your like to read about the deep south during the 50’s and later.”- Detweilermom, A Room Without Books Is Empty

“I suggest picking up Eden because it brings light to the past and in someways helps you understand the present. Every sentence had me clinging to each word as I read. Every word had me wanting to continue reading. I believe this author has done a beautiful job and look forward to reading more work in the near future. It is brilliantly sad.”- Amber, Imaginative Mama’s

About Jamie Lisa Forbes

Award winning author, Jamie Lisa Forbes was raised on a ranch in the Little Laramie Valley near Laramie, Wyoming.  She attended the University of Colorado where she obtained degrees in English and philosophy. After fourteen months living in Israel, she returned to her family’s ranch where she lived for another fifteen years.

In 1994, she moved to Greensboro, North Carolina. In 2001, she graduated from the University of North Carolina School of Law and began her North Carolina law practice.

Her first novel, Unbroken, won the WILLA Literary Award for Contemporary Fiction in 2011.  Her collection of short stories, The Widow Smalls and Other Stories, won the High Plains Book Awards for a short story collection in 2015.

Her novel about life in rural North Carolina entitled Eden was published in 2020.

Ms. Forbes continues to live—and write—in North Carolina

Website: https://www.jamielisaforbes.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jamielisaforbes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamieLisaForbes
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jamielisaforbes/


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