Teddyrose Book Reviews Plus

Review and Giveaway: Comfy Snug Draw String Sheets

Boy have I been lucky!  Last year I posted a review of a set of sheets that I had bought through a internet coupon site.  You can read my review here.  They were quite disappointing.  Several month later I was contacted by email asking if I would like to try a newer companies sheets instead.  Of course, I couldn’t refuse an offer for free sheets so I accepted.  They were Butterfly Dream Luxury sheets and boy were they luxurious!  See my review here.

Recently, another sheet company read my review of the not so favorable sheets and offered me another set for review.  I still have and use my Butterfly Dream sheets but how could I refuse?  Besides, it’s nice to have two sets of nice sheets, I’m sure you will all agree.

The sheets I received this time for review are called Comfy Snug Draw String Sheets.  The difference with these sheets, is that the fitted sheet has a draw string, so is guaranteed to stay on the bed.

Here is how Comfy Snug describe their sheets on their website (you can read their full statement there):

Since bed sheets have existed, the problem of keeping bed sheets on the bed has also existed. Early on there was the flat bed sheet and the term “hospital corner” became widely used. This term obviously adapted from sheet use in hospitals on hospital beds where tight bed sheets are a key requirement in the comfort of their patients. Then elastic was added to the edge of the bed sheet. This added convenience as hospital corners required that the bed sheet be tucked quite far under the mattress. Elastic bed sheets were acceptable for the most part but did not stay in place quite as well as a large bed sheet tucked under the mattress.

There have also been many drawstring bed sheet designs with more than 12 previous patents. The problem with the previous drawstring designs is that the hems that hold the drawstring are straight. Where the “Comfy-Snug” design is curved on the sides pre-loading the edge of the bed sheet, the previous straight designs do not provide this distribution of force along the sides. With the straight hems, the mattress gripping action of the fitted sheet is mostly concentrated at and near the corners of the mattress. Also the gathering of the corners causes the drawstring to be bound up in the corners, drastically increasing the friction within the hem of the bed sheet. With this extra friction in the corners, it becomes impossible to tighten the sheet all the way around the mattress. With the “ARC-EDGE” curved hem the drawstring avoids a sharp turn at the corner providing a smooth, unbound course around the mattress allowing the bed sheet to be much tighter than any other drawstring bed sheet design.

My Thoughts:

I have always had problems with sheet corners coming up in my bed.  I turn a lot in my sleep and sheets don’t always cooperate.  I have tried bed sheet suspenders but they haven’t worked out very well and were a hassle.

Comfy Snug Draw String Sheets solved that problem!  Bill and I have put these sheets through rigorous testing (blush) and the fitted sheet has not budged!

Before I received the sheets however, I did have a concern.  I could not find anything on the website that told about the quality and thread count of these sheets.  The are made of Egyptian cotton, which implies high quality however, in my experience, that does not always mean high quality.  Once I received the sheets, I could tell that the had a high thread count.  That is important because then I knew they would not fall apart on me or pill up any time soon.

Egyptian cotton sheets are also suppose to have a satin like feel however, my experience is that they only feel that way until the first washing.  The Comfy Soft sheets were no exception to this.  They were satiny feeling out of the package but I always wash my sheets before their first use.  They felt like regular cotton sheets, once they made it to my bed.  No problem with that, really it what I expected.  However, comparing the comfort factor with the Butterfly Dream sheets there is little comparison.  The Butterfly Dream sheets are on usually soft on the skin. Where I can compare them is that the Comfy soft sheets stay on the bed.  There is a definite comfort factor in that too.  Waking up either tangled in your bottom sheet or on a bare mattress is certainly not comfortable.

I would also be remiss if I did not mention price.  According to the Comfy Snug website, a set of queen size sheets is only $79.  While a set of queen size Butterfly Dream sheets will set you back $125.  Both U.S. currency.

What I would love to see is the draw string technology from the Comfy Snug applied to the extra soft luxurious feel of the Butterfly Dream sheets.  However, until that happens, I will have to alternate between the two types of comfort.  I certainly do recommend Comfy Snug if you want a nice sheet that will stay snugly on your mattress!


I received this set of Comfy Snug Sheets for my honest review.  This is only my opinion, so why not try them out yourself?

Thanks to Robert Briganti of New Visions Products (Comfy Soft), I am giving away one bottom fitted Comfy Snug Draw String Sheet, a value of $47 U.S.  This giveaway is open to the U.S. only and ends on December 16, 2013

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.
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