Teddyrose Book Reviews Plus

My Trip to Edmonton, Alberta- Part Two: Edmonton Folk Music Festival

The festival was for 5 days and there was so much excellent music. Bill and I tried to capture it as best we could with pictures. However, the photos below is just a small representation of all of the artists that were there.

Tracy Chapman. Her voice and as you can see from this photo, her looks have not changed.

Sarah Mclachlan. Unfortunletly we were not able to get a very good phot of her but trust me, her performance was outstanding.

The audience. This photo doesn’t reflect the candle light very well. The audience was huge and spaned up an ampatheatre hill.

Kathleen Edwards: If you haven’t heard her do a search and listen to her. She has an incredible voice.

Steve Earle: another great.

Boz Scaggs: He’s still at it! Great performance.

Do you remember The Maveriks?

This is none other than Raul Malo, the lead singer fron the Grammy winning group. Wow, he can still belt them out!

Raul Malo and myself.

The Skydiggers and myself.

This last phot was the biggest treat for me!

Remember Jefferson Airplaine? Sure all you fellow baby boomers do. LOL!

This is me with non- ther than, Jack Casady (right) and Jorma Kaukonen (left). They have been in the group Hot Tuna for 40 years now. When Jefferson Airplaine was together, they played in both bands.
Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.
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