Teddyrose Book Reviews Plus

Weekly Geeks 3

This week’s theme comes from Samantha, who suggested that one week we all write about our fond memories of childhood books.

There were several different ways suggested to do this. I chose to re-read a childhood favorite and write about it.

I was the youngest of 4 children in my family. My siblings were all quite a bit older than me. I use to drive them crazy asking them to read the same book over and over to me. I must have been around 3 or 4 years old at the time. To tell the truth, I remembered the tile of this book, but I couldn’t remember what it was about. LOL! I believe I had it memorized back then.

The book is Stone Soup:

While I was searching for a copy the other day at the library, I found out that is an old French Folk Tale. It has been re-written and illistrated by many different authors. The one I chose was written and illistrated by Marcia Brown.

It only took me a few minutes to read, it about three hungry soldiers who come across a village and ask the villagers if they could spare any food. The three soldiers say that they will have to make stone soup. This of course peaks the villagers curiosity. While the soldier make the soup, they con the villagers into giving them food for the soup.

It was a cute little story, and I can see how a young child would like it. It says it’s for ages 4-8, but I think that the oldest child it would appeal to these days, would be perhaps 5.

My rating: 4/5

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