Kent and Katcha by Rosemary and Larry MildKent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Publisher:  Magic Island Literary Works (March 28, 2024)
Category: Spy, Thriller, and Romance
Tour Dates May 13-June 21, 2024
ISBN: 979-8986386409
Available in Print and ebook, 248 pages

 Kent and Katcha

Description Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild


Larry and Rosemary breach deep cover to bring you a novel of high intrigue drawn from Larry’s former association with secret operatives and their spook agencies.

The year is 1992. The Soviet Union has collapsed, but danger persists. Young Kent Brukner, a freshly trained American spy, arrives in Moscow for a high-risk mission: to infiltrate and compromise a Russian Federation Army facility. Under an alias, in a military uniform, he plies his skills—unprepared for the brutal confrontations and irrational consequences.

Kent meets the innocent and passionate Katcha, daughter of a British expatriate and a Russian dissident. Together the lovers embark on a nearly impossible journey, beginning in the foothills of the Ural Mountains. Stalked by the evil Major Dmitri Federov, they must escape from St. Petersburg to Helsinki, Finland, or face life in a Russian prison.


Review Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild


“Although cramped, the little kitchen had an air of efficiency. Huge pots and frying pans hung from hooks on the wall. The oak counters doubled as chopping blocks. Mama, daughter, and Kent bumped into each other frequently. However, when Katcha and Kent brushed together, they lingered a bit, smiling.”

Last year, I had the great pleasure of reading Larry and Rosemarry Mild’s Book, ‘On the Rails.’  Since I loved it so much, I was so excited to be able to read their latest novel, ‘Kent and Katcha’! It did not disappoint!

This has to be one of the easiest five-star ratings that I have ever given! ‘Kent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance,’ by Larry and Rosemary Mild is a story that is full of intrigue, thrill and romance all wrapped up in a neat little package.

Larry and Rosemary Mild are a husband-and-wife duo who write novels together. Last year I read one of their other books, ‘On The Rails,’ and I enjoyed it so much that I still find myself thinking about it from time to time.

With that book in mind, I had a strong feeling that I was going to appreciate ‘Kent and Katcha,’ and I did! The main character of the book, Kent Bruckner is an American spy who is sent to Russia to carry out a secret mission. When he is caught and sent to prison with no trial, Kent eventually escapes only to find himself lost in the foothills of the Ural mountains with no idea of where to go next.

Fortunately, he stumbles across a cafe where a beautiful, smart waitress named Katcha befriends him and agrees to let him stay with her family for a while, despite knowing that he is the escaped American spy. The two begin to bond and eventually decide to travel to America together, with the approval of Katcha’s mother.  However, they will have to get past the Russian police to do it.

Overall, this was a wonderfully constructed story that left me satisfied with the ending. I can’t wait to read more from this author duo!


About Larry and Rosemary Mild

Kent and Katcha by Rosemary and Larry Mild

Award winning authors Larry and Rosemary coauthor mystery, suspense, and fantasy novels and short stories: The Paco and Molly Mysteries; The Dan and Rivka Sherman Mysteries; 2 Hawaii suspense/thrillers; a sci-fi novella; a historical novel (new); and four collections of short stories.

They are members of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, the National League of American Pen Women, and Hawaii Fiction Writers.

Making their home in Honolulu, Hawaii, in a condo overlooking the Pacific Ocean, they relish time with their daughter and grandchildren. Rosemary’s popular personal essays include her new book IN MY NEXT LIFE I’LL GET IT RIGHT. She is a former assistant editor of Harper’s Magazine..



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Kent and Katcha