Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Weekly Geeks 3

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on May 15, 2008
Posted in Weekly Geeks  | 6 Comments

This week’s theme comes from Samantha, who suggested that one week we all write about our fond memories of childhood books.

There were several different ways suggested to do this. I chose to re-read a childhood favorite and write about it.

I was the youngest of 4 children in my family. My siblings were all quite a bit older than me. I use to drive them crazy asking them to read the same book over and over to me. I must have been around 3 or 4 years old at the time. To tell the truth, I remembered the tile of this book, but I couldn’t remember what it was about. LOL! I believe I had it memorized back then.

The book is Stone Soup:

While I was searching for a copy the other day at the library, I found out that is an old French Folk Tale. It has been re-written and illistrated by many different authors. The one I chose was written and illistrated by Marcia Brown.

It only took me a few minutes to read, it about three hungry soldiers who come across a village and ask the villagers if they could spare any food. The three soldiers say that they will have to make stone soup. This of course peaks the villagers curiosity. While the soldier make the soup, they con the villagers into giving them food for the soup.

It was a cute little story, and I can see how a young child would like it. It says it’s for ages 4-8, but I think that the oldest child it would appeal to these days, would be perhaps 5.

My rating: 4/5

Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.

This is how Dewey explained this week’s Weekly Geeks:

The theme for Week 2 is something I borrowed (yes, she said it was ok!) from Darla at Books and Other Thoughts. She says in her sidebar that if she reviews a book that you’ve reviewed, you can email her and she’ll link to it in her review. I love this idea for three reasons.

1. As a blog reader, I like that I can have my review linked in someone else’s blog.
2. As a blog reader, I like that if I’m interested in a book Darla writes about, there will be other reviews linked at the bottom of the page, so I can get other viewpoints. You can see how this works


3. As a blog writer, when I review a book, I often remember that I read someone else’s review at some point, but whose? And when? With Darla’s method, people tell her about their reviews, and she can see what they had to say about a book that is still fresh in her mind.

So here’s your challenge! If you’re willing, adopt Darla’s policy in your own blog. I realize this is a big commitment, so think it over first, but I think it can be really community-building.

1. Write a blog post as soon as possible telling your readers that you’re adopting Darla’s policy.

2. As much as you can with the time available to you during the week, visit other Weekly Geeks who are adopting Darla’s policy and see if you have any reviews of books they’ve reviewed.

3. Later in the week (by Thursday is easiest for me, but by Friday is also ok) write about your experience this week: did people take you up on your offer, did you find reviews you could give to other bloggers, did you enjoy the experience, do you think you want to keep this policy, etc.

4. I would remind people for a while, at the end of your reviews, that you’re doing this. After a while, your regular readers will remember your new policy, but you might want to state it somewhere permanent for new readers.

Attention Fellow Bloggers:

I love Darla’s policy and am adopting it for my blog too. Therefore, if you also wrote a review on your blog for the same book I reviewed on my blog, please leave a link to your review in the comments section on my blog for the applicable book. I will add the link to the end of the applicable book review I have written. (this is retroactive, so will also include all previous reviews I have posted on this blog.)

I will also be updating this post at the end of the week to let you know how I like or dis-like this new policy. I reserve the right to cancel it at any time.

May 7, 2008 Update:

Hooray, I finally figured out how to use labels! To find out if I reviewed any of the same books that you did, scroll down to the bottom right hand side of my blog and look in Labels. That should make it much easier. Then, as before, just leave your links to your reviews in my comments here.

May 9th Update:
Summary of my experience with Weekly Geeks #2:

This weeks challenge seemed like a big scavenger hunt to me. I visited every Weekly Geeks # 2 participant’s blog and tried to find reviews of books that I also reviewed.

It was time consuming, but worth while. I not only found some reviews of some books that I also review, but in the process also found more incredible blogs! I really like linking reviews, I think it gives my readers more opinions of the same book to help them decide if a particular book is for them or not.

Thanks for this awesome challenge!

Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.

Weekly Geeks #1

Posted by Teddyrose@1 on April 27, 2008
Posted in Weekly Geeks  | 8 Comments

This week is Discover New Blogs Week!

Here are 5 blogs that I discovered through Weekly Geeks this week (not in any particular order):

1. In Spring it is the Dawn by Tanabata was an awesome find! Tanabata is a Canadian currently living in Japan. She has very well organized and fun, fun. fun blog, with a great sense of humor! This blog was a fantastic find and I am now subscribing to it through Google Reader. Stop by and see for yourself!

2. Everyday Reads by Lightheaded is a beautiful blog with gold fish. I just read one book review and had to add it to my TBR. I can tell Lightheaded is another book enabler! I’m adding this to Google Reader as well.

3. The Armenian Odar Reads by Myrthe. Myrthe introduced herself by saying, “I am a bookeater. These are the books that nurture my mind”. I love that! She’s a Dutch woman who moved to Armenia. I was quite suprised to see my blog on her blog roll, because I had never seen her lovely blog before today. I am adding her to Google reader and my blog roll.

4. Table Talk by Ann seems like a tranquil peace of heaven to visit lots. I added it to my subscriptions on Google Reader as well. I can’t wait to visit again!

5. Kay’s Bookshelf is another really nice blog. She wrote an excellent review for ‘Out of Africa’ by Isak Dinesen, which has been on my TBR. Another one added to my subscriptions on Google Reader.

Honourable Mention:

A Girl Walks Into a Bookstore by Katherine

This was a great exercise that introduced me to some more awesome blogs! Thanks Dewey, Weekly Geeks is great so far!

Copyright 2007-2010: All the posts within this blog were originally posted by Teddy Rose and should not be reproduced without express written permission.