Becky from Becky’s Book Reviews is hosting yet another Challenge! The Presidential Reading Challenge is set up to allow participants to pick a level of reading which suits their needs.

Heres how the challenge works:

For levels I through 3, readers are asked to read books which are either “fiction or nonfiction, for adults or for children.They need to be about a president or first lady or in someway connected to the President (children, pets, other relatives, friends, etc.) The book can be written from other points of view–from a servant, slave, friend, aide, employee, etc.–but the President and/or someone from his family would need to enter into it at some point.”

I am going to participate in Level one:

Level one: Commit to reading ONE book between July 4, 2008 and November 4, 2008.

The book I plan to read for the challenge is (subject to change):

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy by Annette Gordon-Reed

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